Common questions/problems: Q. The program asks me for a userid and password. What do I do? A. Default userid is ONLINE and password is DEFAULT. Registered users receive an administrator program that lets you set up individual user ID's, as well as security restrict certain options to protect the integrity of the database, as well as prevent abuse. Q. What is the difference between the LAN/Multi-user version and the Standalone/Laptop version of your programs? A. The LAN/Multi-user version contains special code to let it run correctly in a network environment. If you try to use the standalone version on a network and someone else trys to use it, they may receive a network error, or may "crash" the server, as the files are not opened properly (shared mode). This code is unnecessary on a standalone PC and though the LAN version will work, it is not nearly as efficiently. The Standalone version does not contain this multi-user file management software and also contains some special buffers to speed operation in a single PC application. As most of the files (except the user file) are compatible, you can easily transport the files between the two versions. This gives you a great deal of flexibility. Q. When I go into some screens it goes to another screen that says "Action: Record will be added". Why does it do that? A. The first time you access a database, if the database is completely empty, it goes to the screen to add information automatically. If you don't want to add information, just depress "ESC" to back out. Q. How often do you come up with new versions? A. As this is a new program it is difficult to say, but based on our other products, we have been releasing upgraded versions several times per year. Our registered users receive notification about new versions, bug fixes, etc. Also we are fast approaching the point where we will only be offering the upgrades to registered users, and not issuing evaluation copies. This means that registered users have knowledge of and access to the latest versions, as well as utilities to make more specialized reports, improve file management, convert other file types, many other features, as well as support services. Also, these utilities will not be distributed as shareware, and will ONLY be available to registered users. Q. The program MAIL is over 562 K bytes. How can I run this on a 640K machine? A. The program uses "embedded overlays". This means that the program is broken up into several "modules" that are only loaded into main memory from disk when needed, into a single shared "overlay area". This reduces the main memory requirement to less than 440K. Q. How are "embedded overlays" different? A. Embedded overlays put all the individual modules in one big ".EXE" file, rather than individual files. We use embedded overlays to give you maximum flexibility, using minimum main memory space (ram cram), and minimum disk space. Q. I've looked for other packages, and yours is unique. How can yours be so inexpensive? A. We don't have the marketing costs that the big software companies have, and are a small company. Q. Why do you encrypt the user and customer database files? A. The reason for encrypting the user file is for overall system security, but the customer database file is to protect security of your customer information database. Q. What happens if I need technical support? A. All registered users are given a telephone number to receive technical support. We also publish technical bulletins to answer commonly asked questions and problems. Q. How much disk space should I allow for? A. That depends on the size of your company and the amount that you use each feature. We would recommend as a MINIMUM 1 MB, and preferably 2-3 MB. Q. What other programs do you offer as shareware? A. The only other program packages that we are presently offering as Shareware is the "Corporate Information Manager" package. This has a LAN/Multi-user as well as a standalone/laptop version, and is used by many companies, including several "Fortune 500's" to improve communication and productivity. If you would like to receive an evaluation copy, please fill out the form at the end of this file. Q. What programs are you planning or developing? A. We are working on a sales tracking system, as well as a friendly E-Mail system. These are scheduled to be released during the first half of 1992. Q. What if I want a custom version, or special reports? A. We do program customization, and our rates are very reasonable. As our programs "source code" and security systems are proprietary, we do not release our source code to anyone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Request for evaluation copy Corporate Information Manager-LAN/Multi-user/network version Name:______________________ Company:_______________________ Address:____________________________________________________ City:__________________ State:________________ Zip code/Postal code:_________ Telephone:________________________ Country:______________________ Number of copies requested ______ at $10.00 (US) per copy. Amount enclosed: $___________ Format: 3 1/2"________ 5 1/4"(360K)_______ 5 1/4"(1.2 Meg)________ You will be sent a copy of the latest evaluation version of the LAN/Multi-user/ Network version of the product. This is NOT registration, and will not entitle you to the benifits of registration. If you choose to register, the $10.00 will be credited to the registration fee. Mail to: Online Resources P.O. Box 1034 Concord, CA 94522 USA Comments:__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Suggestion for enhancements:_______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Request for evaluation copy Corporate Information Manager/Standalone/laptop version Name:______________________ Company:_______________________ Address:____________________________________________________ City:__________________ State:________________ Zip code/Postal code:_________ Telephone:________________________ Country:______________________ Number of copies requested ______ at $10.00 (US) per copy. Amount enclosed: $___________ Format: 3 1/2"________ 5 1/4"(360K)_______ 5 1/4"(1.2 Meg)________ You will be sent a copy of the latest evaluation version of the standalone/ laptop version of the product. This is NOT registration, and will not entitle you to the benifits of registration. If you choose to register, the $10.00 will be credited to the registration fee. Mail to: Online Resources P.O. Box 1034 Concord, CA 94522 USA Comments:__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Suggestion for enhancements:_______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------